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BOGE now covers the full performance range in oil-free compressors with the launch of the EO 11kW

Wednesday, November 14. 2018

BOGE Compressors, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-performance compressors, extends its EO range of scroll compressors.
Scroll Compressor

Oil free compressors

The new EO 11 produces oil-free compressed air in the 11kW performance segment and completely eliminates the risk of contamination. Ultra-quiet, the EO 11 is ideally suited to medical technology, pharmaceuticals and the food processing industry where cleanliness is paramount.

Covering 5.5kW to 22kW, the EO series is available with one to four compressor stages. The new EO 11 has three compressor stages contained in one housing.

BOGE’s eccentric oil-free (EO) compressors meet the requirements of oil-free compressed air for sensitive applications. What makes this scroll compressor technology stand out is that it operates without oil lubrication: the aluminium spirals in the compressor chamber interlock but do not touch. The resulting compressed air is pulsation-free and absolutely free of oil. In the medical, pharmaceuticals and food processing sectors, pure compressed air prevents the contamination of highly sensitive equipment. 

“It’s vital in food processing applications such as, brewing, wine production and Automated Milking Parlours, that the correct compressor is selected. EO scroll compressors are perfect for connecting to a nitrogen from BOGE's NP series. Nitrogen prevents the wine & beer fermenting further and stops bacteria or mould forming in the bottle. This results in an improvement in the shelf life and quality of the product. In milk production the whisper quiet EO compressors ensure that the cows are not disturbed during the milking process, increasing the yield to the farmer”, explains Mark Whitmore, General Manager at BOGE Compressors.


Modular, compact, application-oriented

Up to four compressor stages can be installed in the housing of the BOGE EO series compressor to ensure flexible adaptation to the compressed air demand. At 10 bar the EO series can cover delivery rates from 490 l/min to 1,960 l/min, while at 8 bar the supply of compressed air ranges from 620 l/min to 2,480 l/min. Featuring a modular design, all compressors in the EO series can be ordered with an integrated or separate refrigerant compressed air dryer, mounted on an air receiver. The machine features an optimised space-saving design, as all EO compressors are no wider than a standard doorway. In conjunction with its quiet operation – minimum 59 dB(A) – the compressor is perfect for installation within a production area.



BOGE's control system, focus control 2.0, can control up to four EO scroll and other types of compressors providing base load switching, thus ensuring efficient control and correct rotation of compressors as required, and when maintenance is required, users benefit from unrestricted access to all parts of the compressor stages. Durability and efficiency are backed up by a two-stage cooling concept. A primary surface cooler systematically cools down the compressed air along with an aftercooler in stainless steel. This results in double the life expectancy of the Compressor stage when compared to other Scroll Compressors in the market.


Mark adds, “We understand how important an oil-free compressors are for use in applications such as medical technology, pharmaceutical and food processing. We have set ourselves up to react speedily when customer enquiries and orders are received, or where service is required and we are able to support businesses throughout the UK.”